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Erlang JavaScript Parse Transform

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Erlang JavaScript Parse Transform

Till now all existed attempts to bring Erlang to the browser is nothing than playing with mind. No emulation of terrible Erlang bytecode is needed. In fact Erlang bytecode is relict that is even translated by BEAM into more modern internal bytecode. So every project that attempt to translate on BEAM byte-code level not only slow but in fact is a useless.


We support following stack by Erlang JavaScript compiler:

The only real pratical fast solution is to translate Erlang AST into JavaScript using JavaScript helpers like matches.js and tailrec.js.


Compilation to Pure JavaScript

In case of Client-Logic, Off-line clients, Client-side FRP Event System use can export you functions in module with -js attribute. All function will be stored to the same filename with js extension.


    -compile({parse_transform, shen}).


    start() ->
        N = fac(5),
        console:log("factorial ~p", [J, N]).

    fac(0) -> 1;
    fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).

Compile with Erlang:

$ erlc shen.erl
$ erlc -pa . fac.erl

And you will get fac.js:

    var pattern = require("matches").pattern;
    var start = pattern({
        '': function() {
            j = 5;
            n = fac(j);
            return console.log('factorial ~p',[j,[n,[]]]);
    var fac = pattern({
        '0': function(x1) {
            return 1;
        'n': function(n) {
            return n * fac(n - 1);

Now you can check:

$ node fac.js
factorial ~p [ 5, [ 120, [] ] ]

JavaScript Macros

Let say we want to generate JavaScript in our Erlang code which is very useful for Server-Logic Event System, so you can write programs in Erlang and expand them into JavaScript using -jsmacro attribute. Specified functions will be expanded to JavaScript during compilation.

    -compile({parse_transform, shen}).


    macro(A,B,C) ->

    main() ->
        A = "1",
        B = "2",
        Script = macro(A,B,"3"),
        io:format("JS Macro: ~s",[Script]).

Lets try it:

7> fac:main().
JS Macro: ws.send(Bert.encodebuf({source:Bert.binary(1),x:3,pickle:Bert.binary(2),linked:3}));


  1. multiple clauses for lambdas
  2. list comprehensions
  3. more JavaScript/OTP mappings
  4. if statement :-)


* Maxim Sokhatsky
* Andrew Zadorozhny